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Counter-Strike 2: M4A4 vs M4A1-S, which one is for you?

Counter-Strike 2: M4A4 vs M4A1-S, which one is for you?

Counter-Strike 2, better known as CS2, gives players tons of weapons and utilities to choose from. Two of the most popular ones are the M4A4 and M4A1-S. While both are the main rifles CT players go for to get their primary frags, they have some key differences that set them apart and make them better for different players.

Today, we’re here to go through all the differences between the M4A4 and the M4A1-S in CS2. This includes the recoil, sound, ammo, and also the cost. Naturally, the end will summarize everything while letting you know which gun you should go for, especially if you want to win games.

So, without further ado, here are the main differences between the M4A4 and the M4A1-S.

What are the differences between M4A4 and M4A1-S in Counter-Strike 2?

While M4A4 and M4A1-S are the main rifles CT players go for at skill level in the game, they both are different in almost every way. Ever since CSGO upgraded to CS2, the game started allowing players to have both rifles in their loadout, but it’s still tough to understand what weapon to use. Here are the differences between both firearms.

Recoil and Sound

Although both weapons are more manageable than the AK-47, the M4A1-S is much more accurate than the M4A4, making it great for people who prefer to spray or burst fire at long distances. Another great point for the M4A1-S is that it has a silencer that hides bullet trails and reduces its sound, further increasing its viability in long ranges. Players can remove the silencer, but it’s not worth it, considering it decreases accuracy, makes it noisy, and barely increases damage.

The M4A4 is a harder-to-control gun with more recoil, so it’s better for people who have trigger discipline and don’t spray often.


When it comes to ammo and magazine capacity, the M4A4 wins with ease. The M4A4's magazine has 30 bullets, with 90 reserves for a maximum of 120 shots, whereas the M4A1-S magazine has 20 bullets and only 80 reserve shots to make it only 100 shots.

In any case, the M4A4 is a better option because of its ammo size since players won’t run out of bullets mid-fight and can shoot through smokes and walls. Also, the M4A4 has a faster fire rate than the M4A1-S.


Even though the M4A4 and M4A1-S cost more than the AK-47, they're different in pricing. The M4A4 costs $3100 to purchase from the buy shop, whereas the M4A1-S is $2900, making the latter a cheaper option.

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一局游戏 csgo Rank 1
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$4.00 $3.32 每局游戏
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$12.00 $2.50 每局游戏

Should I use the M4A1-S or the M4A4 in Counter-Strike 2?

The choice between the M4A1-S and the M4A4 depends on the player's skill level and the team's economy. If the player has lots of experience with Counter-Strike 2 and has great aim and trigger discipline, they must use the M4A4 since it has more ammo and a higher fire rate. Another instance of when an M4A4 is viable is when the team has enough money for a full buy and can purchase utilities alongside the weapon.

As for the M4A1-S, players new to the game or still learning to control recoil should use that firearm since it’s easier. Players can also opt for the M4A1-S in rounds where they must buy utilities but don’t have enough money to get them if they go for the M4A4. 

While both rifles are great options, the M4A4 is a better option overall, thanks to its higher ammo and fire rate.


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