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Valorant: 在Ascent中Viper的最佳布局

Valorant: 在Ascent中Viper的最佳布局


在Valorant的Ascent地图中,策略威力至上,尽管Viper不是最常被选为控制代理人,但她依然以其强大的墙壁、强效的毒云,以及尤其致命的Snake Bite布局,崭露头角。

为了确保你能有效利用她的能力,我们为你带来了Ascent中四个最佳的布局。为了最好地利用这些地点,与 Eloking的专业级队友 一起玩可能是个好主意。你可以通过使用代码"BoostToday"获得20%的折扣购买Eloking的所有服务来实现这个和更多。


Valorant: Best Viper Lineups in Ascent - Image 1


尽管Ascent有许多Viper的墙壁和毒云,但本文主要关注她武器库中的无名英雄,即在种植后的情况下证明无比有价值的Snake Bite布局。如果你不知道如何正确使用Viper,那么我们会帮助你!使用代码"BoostToday"就可以获得专业教练的指导还附带20%的折扣!

Ascent A 炸弹布局

当太阳落山,决定优势的战斗在Ascent上开始时,掌握Viper在A炸弹地点的Snake Bite布局对于任何熟练的Valorant玩家来说是至关重要的。A地点的窄角,高平台,和多重入口点,都为代理人带来挑战和机会。在这里,我们将深入研究Snake Bite掌握的艺术,关注A炸弹地点,以及Viper带来的战略卓越。

1. 默认种植处Snake Bite布局

Valorant: Best Viper Lineups in Ascent - Image 2

在A地点的种植后的情况中, 默认种植处的Snake Bite布局是你的首选。这个布局是从A主路的一个有利点出发的,强迫包围者处在一个不稳定的位置。在你的Snake Bite扔光或者试图去解除Spike之前,包围者需要覆盖一个很大的距离,你的战略优势就在此。


  1. 紧挨着A主路的墙站立。
  2. 将你的准星对准树木的上方。
  3. 附近的树为精确对准提供了有帮助的指南。

2. 双层箱子种植处Snake Bite布局

Valorant: Best Viper Lineups in Ascent - Image 3

The double box plant spot on the A site is notorious for exposing defenders to multiple angles, making defusal attempts a daunting task. Viper's Snake Bite lineup for this specific scenario adds an extra layer of chaos to the mix.

To execute this lineup:

  1. Initiate the Snake Bite throw from A main.
  2. Stand against the box on the A bombsite.
  3. Align your crosshair precisely according to the provided image.

This lineup is especially effective in disrupting defenders attempting to defuse the Spike near the double boxes. By exploiting the exposed nature of this plant spot, you create a web of difficulty for adversaries trying to thwart your team's plans.

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Ascent B 炸弹布局

The battle for supremacy unfolds amongst the narrow corridors and open spaces of Ascent's B bombsite. Mastering Viper's Snake Bite lineups unlock a world of strategic opportunities for Valorant players. In this segment, we dissect the precision Snake Bite plays on Ascent's B bombsite, unraveling the tactical brilliance that Viper brings to the table.

1. 默认种植处Snake Bite布局

Valorant: Best Viper Lineups in Ascent - Image 4

对于B地点的默认种植位置,Viper的Snake Bite布局是精确和有效的象征。尽管掌握这个布局可能需要实践,但在种植后的情况中所创造的混乱中,其无法否认的价值就变得明显。


  1. Move to the B lobby entrance.
  2. Stand against the octopus wall.
  3. Line up your HUD between the two windows, as illustrated in the image.
  4. Perform a standard throw (left-click).

This default plant Snake Bite lineup ensures coverage of the most common Spike plant position on B. Its strategic deployment allows you to disrupt defusal attempts while remaining at a safe distance from potential threats.

2. 默认种植处更简单的Snake Bite布局

Valorant: Best Viper Lineups in Ascent - Image 5

承认第一个默认Snake Bite布局的复杂性,这个替代方案为B地点的默认种植位置提供了一个更直接但同样有效的方法。


  1. Head to B main.
  2. Position yourself close to the left side of the wall.
  3. Align your crosshair as depicted in the image.
  4. Perform a standard throw (left-click).

This lineup simplifies execution while maintaining efficacy. It provides a reliable and quick option for those seeking a Snake Bite toss, without compromising strategic impact.

Tips for Success

Valorant: Best Viper Lineups in Ascent - Image 6

Now, the best way to practice pulling off all of these lineups is undoubtedly with aprofessional level Valorant coach, something you can do with20% off if you use the code "BoostToday". However, we have additional tips that are sure to be of help to you.

  1. Spend time practicing these Snake Bite lineups in custom games. Consistency is key to mastering precision throws in the heat of battle.
  2. While these lineups provide a solid foundation, remain adaptable to the match's evolving dynamics. Quick adjustments to your Snake Bite plays can keep adversaries off balance.
  3. Effective communication with your team amplifies the impact of Snake Bite plays. Share your intended lineups, coordinate strategies, and collaborate with teammates to achieve maximum success.


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