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Developer Console: What Are Console Commands in CS2?

The console in both CS:GO and CS2 is a text-based interface that allows players to input various commands, settings, and scripts to manipulate the game environment. It is a versatile tool that can enhance your gaming experience and give you an edge in this intense world of tactical gameplay.

To access the console, press the tilde key (~) on your keyboard. The console appears at the bottom of the screen, and you can start typing your commands.

Uses of the CS:GO and CS2 Console

Now, there are several reasons you might want to use console commands or just the CS2 and CS:GO console in general.


One of the primary purposes of the console is to customize your in-game settings. You can adjust various game parameters like crosshair style, viewmodel settings, and graphics settings, all within the console.

Performance Optimization

If you experience performance issues, you can use the console to fine-tune graphics settings, which can help improve your frame rate and overall gaming experience.

Practice and Training

The console is a valuable tool for practicing your aiming, spray control, and grenade throws. You can set up bots, adjust their behavior, and create your practice scenarios.

Server Commands

If you're playing on your own server or in a private game, the console is where you input server commands to change gameplay rules, restart rounds, or set up specific conditions for matches.


In the event of technical issues or bugs, the console can provide error messages and clues to help you identify and address problems. It's an essential tool for both players and server administrators.

How Do You Enable the Console?

To enable the developer console in CS2, follow these steps:

  1. Launch the game.
  2. Navigate to the game's settings or options menu.
  3. Find the "Game" or "Keyboard" settings.
  4. Look for an option called "Enable Developer Console" or something similar.
  5. Toggle this option to "Yes" or "Enabled."

Basic Console Commands



sv_cheatsEnable or disable cheat commands (private servers only).
cl_crosshairgapAdjust the gap between crosshair lines.
fps_maxSet a maximum limit for your frames per second (FPS).
give weapon_Provide yourself with specific weapons.
bot_addAdd a bot to the game.
mp_roundtimeChange the round duration in private games.
quitExit the game.


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