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Bunny Hop: What is bunny hopping in FPS games?

Bunny hopping, often shortened to b-hoping, is a technique where a player repeatedly jumps while moving. They do this to gain speed and control. Players call this technique bunny hopping because a player is hopping around quickly and unpredictably, like a bunny. This trick is mostly used in FPS games, where players have to do anything they can to win. 

In competitive games, bunny hopping is used to dodge enemy gunshots and avoid getting hit. In games like Counter-Strike, bunny hopping is also used to gain speed and is often faster than running. Most recent games have nerfed bunny hopping by reducing speed and height, but it's still a strong technique players use.

How to get good at bunny hopping in Counter-Strike 2?

Consistently bunny hopping is not easy to do because it requires precise timing and an understanding of the game’s mechanics. To start bunny hopping, hold W and jump, and the moment a player hits the floor, they must press the jump button again.

If the player jumps again, they must also move their mouse left or right while simultaneously holding the movement key towards that direction. When done successfully, this will increase the player’s speed and mobility. 

Now, the hard part of bunny hopping is doing it consistently. What most pro players do is that they change their keybindings into something easier to spam or press multiple times. For Counter-Strike 2, the most effective method or keybind that people have come up with is the scroll wheel. Players must bind the scroll wheel to jump and then start scrolling up and down while jumping and hope that it works perfectly.

Naturally, if you feel like you need to see someone do it perfectly in-game, then you can always hire a professional booster from Eloking to show you the ropes.


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