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Elo-boost: What is Elo-boost?

Elo-boost, or, is a boosting service website that offers many boosting-related services for popular games like League of Legends and Valorant. Founded in 2012 [1], it’s one of the oldest boosting websites that’s still around, though interestingly, its popularity doesn’t reflect that.

Despite being around for well over a decade, Elo-boost supports only three games, and all of them are owned by Riot Games. Additionally, the reviews are less than some other top-ranking websites, suggesting that the marketing of Elo-boost leaves much to be desired.

Founding History

Although it’s unknown who the founder of Elo-Boost is or what the founding team consists of, Elo-boost was founded in 2012. Its age is something that the website is extremely proud of, as displayed by how the first thing someone sees when they open the website is them proclaiming they’ve been around for more than 10 years.

Elo-boost home page

The website’s Crunchbase suggests that the founding team is from United Arab Emirates, or Umm Al Quwain to be more specific. While the website initially began as one that only offered boosting services, it eventually started providing other gaming-related services too, including coaching and selling accounts.

Even though it was a different time when the website was founded, Elo-boost still hopped on the social media train, which displays the team’s ability to think ahead and hop on trends. However, the website’s Twitter account only has a little over 100 followers even though it has been active since 2013, suggesting that its marketing leaves a lot to be desired.

Offered Servies

Elo-boost offers coaching, boosting, and account-selling services for League of Legends, Valorant, and TFT. While most websites tend to spread out and cover more games, this website doesn’t seem to be like that. Whether this is due to a conscious decision or because the income profit isn’t enough to warrant an expansion is unknown.

Normal rank boosting isn’t the only service the website provides users with, as other services include placement wins, normal wins, unrated games, premade games, and more. Naturally, the game you choose determines the services you can opt for, as something like Valorant wouldn’t have Clash boosting, as that’s exclusive to League of Legends.

Service Controversies

Despite being around for so long, Elo-boost doesn’t have too many controversies to its name. However, one accusation that has been following the website around since its inception is that the boosters the website employs just aren’t good enough.

Several one-star reviews on Trustpilot claim that not only are the boosters not as good as the website claims them to be, but there have been instances where the boosters fought with and outright insulted customers, which is the most terrible thing a boosting company can do [2].

User Reviews

Speaking of Trustpilot reviews, we’ve already mentioned that there are less than  500 Trustpilot reviews for the website. If that wasn’t enough, 10% of them are negative one-star reviews while a little less than 90% are perfect 5-star ones.

Trustpilot isn’t the only website Elo-Boost supports, as it also has a profile [3]. There, the website has much more traffic with over 4,000 reviews and a 4.8 star rating out of 5 stars which is nothing short of impressive.


  1. [1] "Elo-boost Crunchbase". Retrieved May 02, 2024
  2. [2] "Elo-boost Trustpilot". Retrieved May 02, 2024
  3. [3] "Elo-boost". Retrieved May 02, 2024


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