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Legend Boost: What is Legend Boost?

Legend Boost ( is a boosting service website specializing in boosting services for League of Legends and Valorant. While most other websites eventually spread out to start offering services for other games as well, Legend Boost seems to want to settle with these two games only.

First founded in 2020, Legend Boost has been around for a while. However, when compared to more popular and well-known websites like Eloking, Legend Boost tends to go under the radar. With a meager 4 reviews on Trustpilot, Legend Boost leaves a lot to be desired in terms of anything interesting.

Founding History

According to the official website, Legend Boost has been around since 2020, which means the website is quickly nearing half a decade since it was first established.

However, while the founder of the website is unknown, that isn’t too surprising since the website itself tends to go under the radar a lot. With only a handful of reviews in Trustpilot Legend Boost is not the first choice for most people when looking for a boosting website.

Offered Services

As mentioned above, Legend Boost offers boosting for two of the most popular Riot games, which are Valorant and League of Legends. Although many websites tend to spread out and expand into different games, the same can’t be said for Legend Boost. Whether this is by choice because the higher ups want to focus on only two games or if it’s because the website isn’t as profitable as expected we don’t know.

Rank boosting isn’t the only type of service this website offers. The first, as you might have guessed, is rank boosting which entails the booster boosting the rank of the customer’s account. Secondly, there’s placement boosting, which has the booster play only the placement matches of the customer to help them get a better starting rank. Finally, there are net wins, where the customer decides a set amount of wins that the booster has to achieve with the customer’s account.

Service Controversies

Although the website has been around for only four years, it has already been in one major controversy that could potentially make or break any boosting website’s career.

As you can imagine, the most important thing for any boosting website is that they treat their boosters with the respect and integrity they deserve. After all, the boosters make the website. That might not be the case with Legend Boost, as the only two reviews on Trustpilot [1] claim that the website doesn’t pay its boosters.

Trustpilot review

The first review was by a user named Saladin, who stated that they worked with Legend Boost as a booster. However, upon the completion of their order, Legend Boost didn’t pay the booster and instead blocked them from their discord and booted them from the server. The second review was posted on the same day and seems to be the first reviewer’s friend restating the same thing the first review said.

Even if these claims are bogus and Legend Boost didn’t really do anything to entail this backlash, the fact that Legend Boost didn’t address these allegations or report the reviews as spam raises some red flags. Additionally, since Trustpilot is such a trusted platform, having these reviews be the only reviews for the website would dishearten any potential booster or customer from trying their luck with Legend Boost.

User Reviews

As mentioned above, Legend Boost doesn’t have too many reviews on Trustpilot. On the contrary, there are only two and they’re as negative as can be. However, Legend Boost also has reviews on its website [2].

As a matter of fact, Legend Boost’s website has over 10,000 reviews which is extremely different from its meager quantity of two Trustpilot reviews. However, around 9,500 of those reviews are perfect 5-star reviews while less than 100 are 1-star reviews. No matter how you look at it, this can’t possibly be legitimate, especially when it comes to such a high number of reviews.

Many users and potential customers see the unrealistically high number of reviews and come to the conclusion that they must be forged or manipulated in some way. After all, doing so is fairly easy if the reviews are on your website.


  1. [1] "Legend Boost Trustpilot". Retrieved April 24, 2024
  2. [2] "Legend Boost website review page". Retrieved April 24, 2024


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