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《守望先锋2》: Roadhog小改版 - 了解到目前为止的所有信息

《守望先锋2》: Roadhog小改版 - 了解到目前为止的所有信息


Roadhog得到了一次针对他能力的小改版。根据透露的信息,他的套路将会有三项主要的改变。首先,将会对Roadhog的主要攻击进行改版,这是他标志性的Scrap Gun。其次,这些源头暗示了对"Take a breather"能力的更改,其性质仍然模糊。最后,Roadhog将得到一个全新的能力,这在《守望先锋》的爱好者中引起了热烈的讨论。


Roadhog - 危机后的幸存者:
Overwatch 2: Roadhog Mini Rework – Everything we Know so Far - Image 1

Roadhog是游戏在2016年发布时包含的原始 英雄之一。这位不屈不挠的巨人以他标志性的Chain Hook和Scrap Gun决斗组合恐吓前线的敌人而闻名。在我们讨论改变之前,让我们更深入了解Roadhog的能力,这样我们可以更好地衡量改变。 


Scrap Gun


Roadhog的主要武器是Scrap Gun,它有两种射击模式。主要的火力是近距离散弹射击,分布广泛,能造成大量伤害。

Scrap Gun



Chain Hook 


Roadhog向目标投掷带有钩子的链条。如果接触,目标将被拉向Roadhog,为他的Scrap Gun提供炮火。

Take a Breather 



Whole Hog 


Roadhog的终极能力从他的Scrap Gun发出一阵金属碎片风暴,推回敌人并在他面前的宽锥体内造成大量伤害。Roadhog在使用这个能力时也对人群控制效果免疫。


Roadhog - 改版内容:
Overwatch 2: Roadhog Mini Rework – Everything we Know so Far - Image 2

Roadhog一直是一位稳定的主线坦克,他不只能吸收伤害,保护你的队友,而且在近中距离战斗中还有大量的击杀潜力。也就是说,即将到来的改变可能会或者可能不会影响英雄的打法。 Whether it will take the gritting tanky playstyle to a whole new level, or introduce a safer ranged high DPS style for the hero. It is still too early to conclude. (If you want to learn more about other high DPS Heros check out Overwatch 2 Best DPS to Climb Ranked)

We do know that the playstyle will depend on the nature of the new ability being introduced along with the changes to the  "Take a Breather " ability, as it is the main ability encouraging a tanky playstyle for the hero. Some think they might make the ability to heal allies around you as well. While others theorize they might change the ability's effect altogether. 

As the primary fire is already going through numerous changes, including visual and practical aspects, it is speculated that the new ability might have something to do with the alternate fire instead. The developer team has remained quite tight-lipped about the affair, so little is known at the moment.

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When Will the Roadhog Rework be Released?

Primarily the Rework was supposed to be released with the mid-season patch. But to the dismay of Roadhog mains, it was delayed due to some last-minute adjustments to the primary fire and  "Take a Breather" ability. The mini-rework will now be released sometime later in Season 7. But don't worry, as we will keep you updated with all the developments in the future.  


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