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长时间玩英雄联盟的玩家可能会忘记新手面临的挑战。在这个阶段提高水平,集中注意力的领域应该包括农兵、监控冷却时间、根据冷却时间调整打法,以及交易、农兵和有效地穿越丛林(如果你是一名 打野)。 







赢不了?队友表现不好? Steam Nose Emoji
一场游戏 lol Rank 1
Elise Champion/Agent Ekko Champion/Agent
平均等待时间 <10 分钟
$4.00 $3.32 每场游戏
两个游戏 lol Rank 2
Fiora Champion/Agent Fizz Champion/Agent
平均等待时间 <10 分钟
$8.00 $3.00 每场游戏
三款游戏 lol Rank 3
Garen Champion/Agent Gnar Champion/Agent
平均等待时间 <10 分钟
$12.00 $2.50 每场游戏



毫无疑问,白银是英雄联盟社区中人口最多的等级,从其控制中挣脱可以证明是相当具有挑战性的。如果你发现自己陷入了白银而急于攀升更高,关键是采取一种战略性思维方式, involves considering your opponents' perspectives. This principle applies in multiple aspects of the game.

Competitive games like League of Legends place immense importance on having a solid plan for your own gameplay, but it's equally essential to anticipate and understand what your opponents are trying to achieve. Gaining insight into their intentions and predicting their moves can provide you with a significant advantage. This means paying close attention to their playstyle, positioning, and overall behavior on the battlefield.

Remember, getting out of Silver requires not just individual skill and knowledge of your own champion but also the ability to adapt to your opponents' strategies. Embrace the art of prediction and use it as a powerful tool in your arsenal. By anticipating their moves and countering effectively, you can tilt the odds in your favor and secure more wins on your path to climbing the ranked ladder.

Gold and Platinum



另外,知道你在游戏各个阶段应该如何定位对于成功至关重要。掌握这些概念将显著促进你的胜利。然而,在你的旅程中,你可能会遇到破坏团队凝聚力和士气的toxic players。在这种情况下,聪明的做法是将他们全部静音,仅将你的注意力集中在你的游戏玩法上,为个人成长和进步创造一个积极的环境。记住,一个坚韧的心态和战略精炼是你在排名赛中成功的关键成分。



If you don't remember there being an Emerald rank in League of Legends, then don't worry, you aren't losing your mind or anything. Emerald is a brand new rank that Riot has decided to add to the game in an effort to change things up.

To be more specific, they commented that they wanted to even out the bottom-heavy rank distribution in League of Legends. According to a spokesperson of Riot Games:

''-the rank distribution should center around Gold, with Bronze and Silver representing the below-average/average players, while Gold and Platinum should be populated by above-average players.

As of now, though, those four ranks are far from even in size, with Silver being overpopulated. To even out the distribution, the Emerald rank will be introduced with the upcoming LoL split. If it can fulfill its purpose, League players should now be distributed into their intended ranks, based on their skill level.''

While this rank is not yet an official thing at the time of writing and is expected to be added in an upcoming season split, we'll be sure to update this article depending on what direction Riot decides to take in this change.



Achieving the Diamond rank in League of Legends places you in the top 1.5% of players, showcasing your impressive skill and dedication. However, if your aspiration is to reach the prestigious Master rank or even higher tiers, it's essential to adopt a strategy of consistent and dedicated gameplay.

Embracing the concept of "spamming" the game, in a positive sense, by playing as much as possible, becomes a key factor in pushing through the higher ranks. The more you play, the greater experience you gain, and the more your skills improve. Time invested in the game allows you to refine your mechanics, understand various champion matchups, and develop a deeper game sense. 

This continuous practice and commitment are the primary drivers for climbing up the ladder and challenging yourself to exceed expectations. As you progress through the ranks, the competition becomes fiercer, requiring continuous effort and adaptability to overcome skilled opponents. Remember, consistency and persistence in your gameplay will unlock the potential to ascend to greater heights in the competitive world of League of Legends.

Master and Grandmaster


As players progress to higher ranks in League of Legends, the game transforms from a casual pastime into a more serious endeavor. Achieving these elevated ranks opens up the possibility of turning one's passion for the game into a potential source of income. By excelling at the highest tiers, players increase their chances of exploring various avenues to earn money through their gaming skills. 

They may opt to stream their gameplay on platforms like Twitch, entertaining and educating their audience while also generating revenue through subscriptions, donations, and sponsorships. Additionally, players could venture into the world of boosting services, where they help others climb the ranked ladder for a fee. By demonstrating their expertise and exceptional gameplay, they can attract customers and turn their skills into profitable business opportunities. 

As the gaming industry continues to grow, opportunities for professional players, content creators, and coaches are becoming more accessible, making it increasingly feasible for talented individuals to capitalize on their prowess in League of Legends and secure a stable income through their passion for the game.



Made it through Challenger? 恭喜你,你正式成为了一名职业英雄联盟玩家,你应该开始寻找团队并在大舞台上与大佬们竞争。建立一个Twitter,并让全世界知道你已经达到了这个等级,因为相信我,这并不是一件简单的事情,你绝对是特别的。


现在你已经学到了一些关于英雄联盟的新知识 - 是时候开始玩游戏并提升你的技术了。我们可以帮助你! 立即购买Eloking英雄联盟助推服务 并开始在你应得的等级玩游戏!



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